Essential AeroPress Brewing Guide
Basic Recipe & Technique
- Add unrinsed paper filter to cap
- Add 11g coffee (ground finer than pour-over)
- Add 200g water just off boil
- Wait 2 minutes
- Swirl gently to break crust
- Let settle 30 seconds
- Press gently (30 seconds)
- Pull plunger back slightly to prevent drips
Adjusting for Your Coffee
Light Roasts
- Use 11g coffee
- Use boiling water (100°C)
- Grind very fine
- Best for floral/fruity notes
Medium Roasts
- Use 12-13g coffee
- Water: 90-95°C
- Grind medium-fine
- Balanced flavour profile
Dark Roasts
- Use 13-14g coffee
- Water: 85-90°C
- Grind medium
- Rich, bold flavours
Taste Problems
- Too bitter → Grind coarser or reduce temperature
- Too sour → Grind finer or increase temperature
- Too weak → Increase dose or grind finer
- Too strong → Reduce dose or add water after brewing
Common Mistakes
- Pressing too hard (gentle pressure is better)
- Preheating (unnecessary)
- Using inverted method (standard is better)
- Rinsing filter (unnecessary)
- Stirring (swirling is better)
Advanced Techniques
Brewing for Two
Standard Method:
- 14-15g coffee
- 250-270ml water
- Same technique
Concentrate Method:
- 22g coffee
- Maximum water
- Dilute after brewing
- Grind finer, steep 4 minutes
Filter Options
- Paper: Clean cup, can reuse 2-3 times immediately
- Metal: More oils, French press style
- Cloth: Balance of clarity and body
Optimising by Style
For Floral/Bright Coffees:
- Maximum temperature
- Finer grind
- Standard dose (11g)
For Full-Bodied:
- Higher dose (13-14g)
- Longer steep
- Medium-fine grind
Quick Reference
- Standard ratio: 55g coffee per litre water
- Optimal steep: 2 minutes
- Press time: 30 seconds
- No special kettle needed
- Pressing through ‘hiss’ is fine