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C# nested property accessor

1 minute read

I recently had the need to access a property in another property in C#. Accessing a property value is trivial using PropertyInfo but it’s only capable of acc...

No JavaScript here

1 minute read

Earlier today I turned Cloudflare’s automatic email obfuscation off on this site. Why you might ask? Well because it was the only JavaScript on this site and...

Marvin Visions

less than 1 minute read

Jekyll makes it trivial to edit a site’s look and feel, just modify your sass files and push to Github. I keep playing around with colours, paddings and font...

Ubuntu on Windows

1 minute read

At home I use two computers: a 13 inch MacBook Pro for less intensive tasks and a Dell Precision T1700 with a 4K monitor when I want to stretch the software ...

Migrating to Jekyll

2 minute read

Having spent a lot of time recently (even more than normal) working with Git I decided to once again migrate my site to another content management system. I ...