Here are few things I’ve built/done. They’re in chronological order for your convenience.

Project Tech
Absurdist LLM powered blog Jekyll
Camera and lens comparison dataset and website Cloudflare Pages, Cloudflare R2, Vue, sql.js-httpvfs
Next generation HR platform Cloudflare Developer Platform (Workers, Pages, R2, D1, Access), Hono, Nuxt, OpenAI API
LLM powered codebase documentation generator C#, Anthropic API
Cloudflare powered photo sharing site Cloudflare Workers, Hono, D1, R2, Drizzle
Fastest bulk Hacker News downloader C#
Style-less web browser MAUI, AngleSharp
HTML Canvas window manger HTML Canvas, vanilla JS
Anonymous Twitter client C#, Razor
Automated technology journalist C#, OpenAI API, WordPress
Desktop UI HTML Canvas
Camera and lens price tracker C#, Blazor, SQLite
Micro blog generator Ionic, Angular, GitHub API
Military aircraft tracker C# .Net 6, Entity Framework, SQLite
In-browser live HTML editor JavaScript
Shipping vessel downloader C# .Net 6, Entity Framework, SQLite
Watching for website changes with GitHub Actions GitHub Actions, urlwatch
.Net browser engine C#
Notion to Jekyll C#, Notion API, GitHub API
Content management system and blog engine Server-side Blazor, Entity Framework, Razor Pages
Reactive Blazor UI Server-side Blazor, System.Reactive, Entity Framework
No code app creator Server-side Blazor
Software synthesizer C#
SQLite JSON document store C#
Custom Jira client C#, NSwag
Playing with Pulumi Pulumi, C#
Truly infinite HTML tables JavaScript
Simple API Gateway C#
Learning F# Get Programming with F#
Unregistered domain finder C#, Hetzner VPS cluster
Goodreads review scraper C#, Entity Framework Core, Azure Functions, Azure SQL
World Cup of Tube Lines 2020 C#, Azure Functions, Twitter API v2, Github Pages
Tiny RSS Reader C# .Net 5, Entity Framework Core, Razor Pages, SQLite
Bardcore Blog Jekyll, Github Pages
Micro blogging platform C# .Net Core, Azure SQL database, EF Core, Identity Server, Liquid templates
Github Pages in-browser CMS Vue.js, Bulma, GitHub API
UK train/locomotive database SQLite, C# .Net Core
Document Database SQLite, C# .Net Core, Azure App Service
Vue Component based CMS Vue.js, C# .Net Core
Tiny Work Order web app CouchDB, PouchDB, Vue.js, TypeScript
Generate relational database from spreadsheet Azure SQL database, C# .Net Core
Blazor WebAssembly & Web API example using gRPC gRPC, Blazor WebAssembly, C# .Net Core
Unofficial Parkrun API C# .Net Core
Indexing all GitHub repositories C# .Net Core, Lucene.Net, Azure Blob Storage, MessagePack
RSS feed ingester Azure Functions, Cosmos DB, C# .Net Core
Auto-generate REST API from SQL database at runtime Azure SQL database, C# .Net Core, SqlKata, Azure App Service
Shit food Vue.js, Azure Functions, Azure Table Storage, Azure SQL database, EF Core, Google Places API, Food Hygiene API, Trip Advisor scraping
End to end encrypted social network Vue.js, Azure Table Storage, .Net Core Web API, TweetNaCl.js
Listing/cataloguing social network Vue.js, Azure SQL database, .Net Core Web API
Natural language parser (recipe ingredients) C#, Sprache
Recipe social network C#, .Net Core, Cosmos Db, server rendered Blazor (Razor components)
Highly parallel web crawler C#, .Net Core, Azure Functions, Cosmos DB, Storage Queues
Multiplicative persistence calculator for large numbers C#, .Net Core
Food Hygiene Twitter Bot C#, UK food hygiene rating data API, Tweetinvi, SQLite, Azure Functions, Azure File Storage
Updates to Blazor based Todo.txt app Blazor, Mono via Wasm
.Net Core super-fast immutable object store C#, .Net Core
Web API for SQLite C#, .Net Core
Decentralised social network app using email as transport mechanism Xamarin Forms, MailKit, SQLite
Static photography site generator (Output) C#, .Net Core, UIKit
Blazor based Todo.txt app (Source) Blazor, Mono via Wasm
HACK24 Microsoft Bot Framework, Azure SQL database, Giphy API
.Net Core authentication using CouchDb C#, .Net Core Web App, CouchDB
SocketComment C#, .Net Core Web App, CouchDB
Pure Web API C#, .Net Core, Azure Web Service
.Net Core blockchain C#, .Net Core
Reverse engineering the Logi Circle API C#, .Net Core, MPEG-DASH streaming
New version of this site Jekyll, Github Pages
Git based JSON object store C#, .Net Core, Git, JSON
Distributed local search engine C#, .Net Core
Supermarket price tracking & prediction system C#, .Net Core, Postgres
Live global flight data-gathering and statistics system C#, Entity Framework 6, MSSQL
Emily O’Reilly ACR - Paper Conservation WordPress
Entity Framework backed mutithreaded web crawler C#, Entity Framework 6, MSSQL
HACK24 ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework, Xamarin Forms
Super simple todo list HTML5, Javascript, Bootstrap
Hyperspace route calculator C#
Date/outing finder Android app Google Places API, C#, ASP.NET Web API 2, Entity Framework 6, MSSQL
iOS Hacker News client with offline caching Xcode, Swift
Task Eleven - Poetry and prose by Mary Dansie WordPress - A collection of poems written by a computer Python, WordPress
Classifying liver lesions using machine learning WEKA, MATLAB
Microsoft Azure authentication mobile service & Android app Microsoft Azure mobile service, Google authentication API, Android Studio
Research paper: Braitenberg Vehicle Demonstrating a ‘Fear’ of Spherical Objects Turtlebot, Python, ROS, OpenCV
Automatic detection of rivers in RGB satellite imagery using support vector machines (MComp research project) Python, OpenCV, Scikit-learn
Analysis of historical weather records for Lincolnshire (~1.8 million records) C++, OpenCL
HACK24 Android Studio, Pusher
Braitenberg vehicle demonstrating a ‘fear’ of spherical objects Turtlebot, Python, ROS, OpenCV
IaaS cloud service for inventory management (custom RESTful API) Python, Tornado, Microsoft Azure
Moira West Fibre Artist & Felt Maker WordPress
Statistical analysis of Yellowhammer population IBM SPSS
Pool game simulation C++, OpenGL
Lung image analysis project MATLAB
The University of Lincoln School of Computer Science Postgraduate Management System (UROS 2015 project) Laravel, MySQL
Global public FTP indexing Python, MySQL
Jaq McCaughern Contemporary Artist WordPress, Bootstrap
Wildlife Conservation: Help Nature WordPress
PHP content management system in < 100 lines (this site) PHP, HMTL5, CSS3
Distributed website mapping system Ruby, MongoDB
Real-time cloud messaging service Microsoft Azure cloud, Azure TABLE data storage, AMS single sign-on, Windows Phone 8.1
Networked traffic light junction simulator Java
Intelligent news aggregator web application (Undergraduate dissertation project) Ruby, Sinatra, Redis, Bootstrap
Lincoln Guitar Tuition WordPress
Twitter mood controlled music app Windows Phone 8.1, Microsoft Azure cloud
Gateway Of Technology Ltd. website redesign WordPress, Bootstrap
Personal photography website Koken
Pro Logs Ltd. WordPress
Dynamic Wheels Ltd. WordPress
The University of Lincoln School of Computer Science Student Management System (UROS 2014 project) PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, CouchCMS
The University of Lincoln American Football Team WordPress
Head movement computer control system C++, Microsoft Kinect
Designing a £250,000 campus network Cisco hardware
A* algorithm maze solver C++
Geographic semantic network generator Prolog WordPress
AutoInvoice C#
Where’s Wally solver C++
Puzzle solving using a sum of squares algorithm C++
The Caravan Club - Lincolnshire Centre WordPress
Charles Osei’s blog Ghost blogging platform
Gateway Of Technology Ltd. website optimisation WordPress
GatewayCRM C#
JHACK - The Technology Blog WordPress