Posts by Tag


Notion API code blocks

less than 1 minute read

The official Notion API finally supports code blocks with a recent update. I’ve updated NotionToJekyll to add this functionality. This post is just a test to...

Added categories and tags to NotionToJekyll

less than 1 minute read

I’ve just added post category and tag support to NotionToJekyll using two multi-select columns. This input type is perfect for these fields as they’re just s...

Publishing blog posts from Notion to Jekyll

2 minute read

I use Notion as my personal knowledgebase and normally write blog posts in temporary pages and then manually publish them to my Jekyll site using SiteLeaf. W...

Waiting for the official Notion API

1 minute read

Spring 2021 is still outlined as the release timeframe for the Notion API and I can’t wait. I’ve been using Notion since becoming a Lead Developer to try and...

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iPhone 13 Pro

2 minute read

FaceID is amazingly good, particularly considering I was such a lover of TouchID on the iPhone 6S and really did not like the idea of FaceID when it first ca...

I’ve pre-ordered an iPhone 13 Pro

1 minute read

I hate iOS. And I also hate Android. For years I developed apps for both platforms (and Windows desktop too) and for this reason I’m an anti-fanboy. I’m all ...

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Innovative caret

1 minute read

Bike Outliner, a rich text editor for macOS (sadly only macOS 😔) has just received an update that includes a neat feature I’ve not seen before.

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open source

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iPhone 13 Pro

2 minute read

FaceID is amazingly good, particularly considering I was such a lover of TouchID on the iPhone 6S and really did not like the idea of FaceID when it first ca...

I’ve pre-ordered an iPhone 13 Pro

1 minute read

I hate iOS. And I also hate Android. For years I developed apps for both platforms (and Windows desktop too) and for this reason I’m an anti-fanboy. I’m all ...

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iPhone 13 Pro

2 minute read

FaceID is amazingly good, particularly considering I was such a lover of TouchID on the iPhone 6S and really did not like the idea of FaceID when it first ca...

I’ve pre-ordered an iPhone 13 Pro

1 minute read

I hate iOS. And I also hate Android. For years I developed apps for both platforms (and Windows desktop too) and for this reason I’m an anti-fanboy. I’m all ...

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HTMX & Razor

less than 1 minute read

I’d just started drafting a post about combining HTMX with Razor pages to produce dynamic web applications and thought I’d better quickly check the internets...

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HTMX & Razor

less than 1 minute read

I’d just started drafting a post about combining HTMX with Razor pages to produce dynamic web applications and thought I’d better quickly check the internets...

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Waiting for the official Notion API

1 minute read

Spring 2021 is still outlined as the release timeframe for the Notion API and I can’t wait. I’ve been using Notion since becoming a Lead Developer to try and...

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Publishing blog posts from Notion to Jekyll

2 minute read

I use Notion as my personal knowledgebase and normally write blog posts in temporary pages and then manually publish them to my Jekyll site using SiteLeaf. W...

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Are C# GUIDs v4 UUIDs?

less than 1 minute read

No. No they’re not. There’s too much misinformation floating around about this issue and it’s easy to prove they’re not. Although when using Guid.NewGuid() y...

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less than 1 minute read

Having recently moved house, we’ve come to the conclusion that we don’t need and won’t be reinstalling our smart lightbulbs and Amazon Echos, or any other sm...

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Keychron K2 V2 keyboard

1 minute read

Everyone keeps going on about how good Keychron keyboards are so I caved and got one. The keyboard I’ve been using for the last 6 years was still working fin...

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Rethinking the Smartphone Release Cycle

1 minute read

Yearly smartphone releases have become a ludicrous norm, with companies like Apple, Google, and Samsung barely justifying new models with marginal hardware i...

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Navigating the Wild West of Web Components

2 minute read

Web components have garnered a lot of attention as a way to encapsulate and reuse HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Despite their promise for modular development, t...

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Cloudflare Workers

Hashing passwords on Cloudflare Workers

1 minute read

I’ve recently needed to hash passwords as part of authentication endpoints for an API I’m building using Cloudflare Workers. My complete code is below as I f...

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Cloudflare Developer Platform

Hashing passwords on Cloudflare Workers

1 minute read

I’ve recently needed to hash passwords as part of authentication endpoints for an API I’m building using Cloudflare Workers. My complete code is below as I f...

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Hashing passwords on Cloudflare Workers

1 minute read

I’ve recently needed to hash passwords as part of authentication endpoints for an API I’m building using Cloudflare Workers. My complete code is below as I f...

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Hashing passwords on Cloudflare Workers

1 minute read

I’ve recently needed to hash passwords as part of authentication endpoints for an API I’m building using Cloudflare Workers. My complete code is below as I f...

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software development

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thought leadership

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Reddit’s Bot Problem

1 minute read

Reddit, once known as the “front page of the internet,” is clearly facing a growing bot problem that threatens the very nature of the site as a place for aut...

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Reddit’s Bot Problem

1 minute read

Reddit, once known as the “front page of the internet,” is clearly facing a growing bot problem that threatens the very nature of the site as a place for aut...

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